long-term students

Episode 43: Long Term Students vs. Short Term Students

So what defines a short term student and a long term student? Mary defined a short term student as being anywhere less than 6 months, but after she said that (and even after we finished recording this episode), we were still debating what differentiated a long term student from a short term student. Any way you look at it, hosting short term students and long term students can be very different experiences. In this episode, Mary and Erin go toe to toe on the pros and cons of hosting long term students versus short term students.


Episode 17: Your Student Arrival Guide with a Homework Assignment

In this episode, we take you through the process of getting ready for the arrival of your student. Is the student bedroom made up? Got that extra house key ready? Those are just two main things you should have set up, but yes, of course, there’s always more. We’ve got lots of tips for welcoming your student into your home, culture, and a whole new country. Plus, Erin’s got some homework for you and your new student. Don’t worry, there won’t be a pop quiz.


Episode 15: Emotional Bonds and Departure Rituals for When Students are Leaving

In this episode, Erin gets ready to say goodbye to one of her long-term students. To Mary’s surprise, Erin didn’t cry during the episode, but trust that this is an emotional experience for Erin who bonded so deeply with her homestay daughter. Before we get to that experience and what Erin has planned for her goodbye, we take a look at Mary’s more practical and level headed approach. She’s not a hugger, but she may be turning to the dark side.
