In this episode, we get into the difficulties of learning English and how you need to see the humour in embarrassing situations. When your student enunciates a word differently, this could result in miscommunication. We provide plenty of examples of how saying a word slightly different can lead to some very awkward situations. But we do it all in stride with plenty of self-deprecating humour.
What are some of your favourite regional English words? In Canada, one of our favourites is a toque. If you need a winter hat, you’ll know who’s the Canadian when they ask for a toque. Share your words with us over email at [email protected]. We can’t wait to learn some new ones! Thanks for sharing!
Key Points From This Episode:
- We talk about being afraid to make mistakes when using English.
- Pronunciation errors and how we mishear.
- Mary tells her favourite story about her Dad.
- Erin shares some of the words her students are scared to say.
#remembertosmile - The time one of Erin’s students had a bad cold.
#itsrudetosniffle - What is the plural of platypus?
- More pronunciation errors – meanings in multiple languages.
- We talk about how to handle compliments.
- Erin’s Italian student’s most embarrassing story.
#thatonetimeinmathclass #ownyourmistakes - The time Mary’s cousin got mad at her.
- What is a spanner?
- Mary gives us a new name for “hoodies”. It’s super cute!
- We discuss prairie terms for mealtimes. Erin gets super confused and doesn’t know when to eat.
- Teeter totter or seesaw? What do you call it? Erin reenacts why they both make sense.
- Find out why Erin’s Italian student wants to put a GoPro in Erin’s car.

- If you have tips that will help Erin roll her r’s… send them our way! [email protected]
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