What happens when you open up your curiosity as a student or as a homestay parent? Education is essentially curiosity. We love this perspective from our guest on the show today. We really enjoyed our chat with Greg Demmons, who currently serves as the Vice-President of the Co-op Board and the original founder of Real English Victoria.
He’s learned a lot of lessons through teaching English since 2003, with 10 of those years in Japan and South Korea. He’s passing on this unique perception to you and sharing his way of thinking has really opened up our frame of mind when it comes to how we approach students and where the students are coming from. It’s this open dialogue and acceptance of our differences that make these experiences of hosting international students a two-way street for learning; for both the student and the host family. You’re going to love Greg’s attitude and love for learning, along with his strategies on how creativity enriches your homestay experience.

Key Points From This Episode:
- Erin is a picky parker
#myvanisabiggirl - Greg tells us what is unique about Real English Victoria (REV).
- REV operates like a family.
#wecanfeelthewarmth - We talk about homestays becoming business conscious.
#treatstudentslikeyourownkids - Encourage creativity! (There is lego on the walls!)
- Greg’s tips for homestay families to combat shyness.
- Greg’s tactics to get students to use/speak English.
- We talk about the main fear students have before arriving in Canada.
- Canada as superior homestay experiences.
#wejustwanttohearyourstory - We talk about the importance of being yourself, open and confident.
- Greg’s advice for homestay dads.
- Greg shares a story about a past student.
#canadiansarekind - How can we best help our students? We talk about making mistakes as a vehicle.
#killche-myun - Greg’s Top 5 Activities for Homestay Parents.
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Real English Victoria
Instagram: @realenglishvictoria
Twitter: @realenglishvic
Greg’s Blog
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Web – http://homestaykitchen.com/
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