take a break

Episode 43: Long Term Students vs. Short Term Students

So what defines a short term student and a long term student? Mary defined a short term student as being anywhere less than 6 months, but after she said that (and even after we finished recording this episode), we were still debating what differentiated a long term student from a short term student. Any way you look at it, hosting short term students and long term students can be very different experiences. In this episode, Mary and Erin go toe to toe on the pros and cons of hosting long term students versus short term students.


Episode 12: Reflection on Relationships, New Beginnings, Health and Soul-Satisfying Decisions

It’s the end of 2018… and like everyone else, Erin and Mary reflect on new beginnings, growth, health, and some soul-satisfying decisions that were made in the past year. We also awaken our appreciation for our relationships… to our family, each other, and of course, our students. We get tuned-in on how these partnerships are ever-expanding our lives for the better. So thank you. Thank you for listening, subscribing to the show, and hopefully laughing along with us. We’ve got some ideas for next year already, but remember, if you have any show ideas, questions or stories to share, email us at [email protected]. That’s also a great way to connect if you want to be on the show! We’d love to have you! So Happy New Year to you, whether you are a homestay parent or student! Here’s to an adventurous, fearless, and nurturing 2019!
